FAQ : IDEAL Remote

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 Название и содержание

What are the errors generally encountered by our software?

How to troubleshoot the "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found" message ?

When i try to access a physical resource on my network (server or computer) with your software, I get sometimes the "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found" message.

What can I do ?

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The message "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found" is a common native message of Microsoft Windows Operating System and is not directly related to Pointdev software

To resolve this error, please verify the following points :

- 1 - Check that you can ping with the CMD prompt the remote host (by its IP address or by its physical NetBIOS name), and that the host answers without significant packet loss. If the remote host does not answer when it is pingued by its hostname but answer when pingued with its IP address, please check on the remote host the DNS properties. This point should be considered because a good many functionalities of our products use the name resolution when trying to to access remot hosts.

- 2- If your station is in a Windows Active Directory domain, in this case check if you "ping" the remote machine by using its full name: ping remotecomputer.pointdev.local (or remotecomputer is the name of the remote computer and pointdev.local the name of your Active Directory domain). If the ping responds correctly, check if the option Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix is activated on your network card: Properties of your network card, Advanced button ..., DNS tab. You can also add suffixes manually if needed (option Add these DNS suffixes (in order)).

- 3 - Check on the local computer and on the remote host that there is no security hardware or software blocking or filtering the communication between the local and remote machines (firewall / antivirus / router ...). If necessary rules have to be instaured (port opening, port translation ...) in order to allow the communication between the two machines.

- 4 - Please be careful with Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 computer because the network security is increased. Indeed, the native Windows firewall is activated by default. Check also in the network center that the network discovery and file sharing is turned on.  Ensure also that the remote registry service (execute services.msc)  is enabled and started (by default this service is not started).

- 5 - Make sure the remote host is visible from the Windows network neighborhood. If necessary, check the point above.

- 6 - Ensure that File and Printer sharing for Microsoft networks is enabled on the remote host.

- 7 - Please check also that the NetBIOS protocol is enabled in the network card properties of the remote host.

- 8 - Ensure that you can access from your computer the administrative shares of the remote host, by entering for example in the  Windows file explorer : \\RemoteHost\Admin$ or \\RemoteHost\C$

See below to access the Microsoft related article dealing with error system 53 : "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found".


Также касается следующего программного обеспечения: IDEAL Administration | IDEAL Migration | IDEAL Dispatch
Последняя модификация: 07/02/2023


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