FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Быстрое и безопасное удаленное управление для Windows, Mac OS X и Linux

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  • In order to look for one or more keywords, type them in the search field using space to separate them.

    ex : remote control

    This search will show you every FAQ containing the word "remote" OR "control".

  • In order to look for a full sentence, use the quotes " " around your keywords
  • ex : "remote control"

    This search will show you every FAQ containing the whole word "remote control".

 Название и содержание

Software License Information

How to consult my license's history?

How to consult my license's history?

My license has been activated on many computers but some of them are not working or using it anymore. How can I know on which computer(s) the license is still active?

You can control your licenses from the "My Account" menu on our web site, select "License's history".

If you wish to move your license to another computer, you can read this FAQ that described the way to do it: How do I move my license to another computer?

Note: If one of these computers is not available anymore, or if you are unable to remove your key on this computer or have problems during the deactivation phase, please contact our technical support by providing the following information:

- Reason of the problem with the license removal.

- Registration key bound to the computer.

- Name of the company for which the license was granted.

- Description of the computer, filled when activating your license (see at the bottom of the page).

Based on this information, we will manually disable your license.

Также касается следующего программного обеспечения: IDEAL Administration | IDEAL Dispatch
Последняя модификация: 11/01/2022


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ЧАВО : IDEAL Administration | IDEAL Dispatch | IDEAL Remote | IDEAL Migration

IDEAL Remote 23.5
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