FAQ : IDEAL Remote

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 Название и содержание

How do I configure Role Delegation?

How to configure the software in role delegation mode?

How do you configure your software to use role delegation?

For an IDEAL Administration or IDEAL Remote user, it's very simple, all he has to do is launch the application and define the shared directory in which the role delegation(s) are located.

menu "Tools", "Options", "Role delegation".

If the directory contains at least one role delegation, the software suggests that you be restarted so that it is taken into account for the user.

The user can check the delegation of roles loaded when launching the software by the title bar or by the menu "Tools", "Options", "Registration".

You also have the option of selecting the shared directory to use for role delegations using the "Delegation" button, offered when launching the software.

The blocking of functionalities in the software is done automatically according to the role delegation loaded. When the user tries to perform an unauthorized function, the dialog box below appears:

Также касается следующего программного обеспечения: IDEAL Administration
Последняя модификация: 02/03/2023


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IDEAL Remote 23.5
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