FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Быстрое и безопасное удаленное управление для Windows, Mac OS X и Linux

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 Название и содержание

General Information

How to add a second domain in the interface?

I have a second domain on a remote site with trust relationships and I would like to add it in the inferface in order to take control of the machines.

I created a new "Computers" tab from the right view but my domain does not appear in the list.

If I go through the menu "Domains", "Search" and I enter my second domain name, I get the error: The controller for this domain could not be found.

How to add the second domain in the interface?

  • The NetBIOS name resolution must be perfect between your machine and the controller. From your Windows File Explorer, verify that you can access the administrative shares of the controller by typing \\ServerName\admin$
  • If the domain is not automatically retrieved by the software in the list, you can force the domain name from the menu "Tools", "Options", "Domains". Check "Managed Domains", enter the domain name then "Add" and move the domain to the list on the left side. Validate and relaunch the software.
  • The domain entered should then appear. However, if the software is unable to locate the PDC of the domain and list the machines, you can force the name of the domain controller from the left view ("Microsoft Windows Network"). Right click the domain then "Configure a domain controller", then check "Use this domain controller" and enter the name of PDC.

Также касается следующего программного обеспечения: IDEAL Administration
Последняя модификация: 12/04/2023


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