FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Herramienta de control remoto fácil, rápida y segura para Windows, macOS y Linux

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Configure and manage WMI properties

How to add a WMI property in the list of computers in the domain?

I am trying to display new WMI properties to customize the list of computers making up my Active Directory domain (Microsoft Windows Network tab).

Is that possible ? If yes, how ?

You can easily add WMI properties to the list of computers belonging to your Active Directory domain.

To do this, use the general menu Tools, Options, Microsoft Windows Network, Displayed properties tab.

Select the WMI button, then Add.

You can select a WMI Class offered by default by our software, or add one by entering its name in the WMI Class input box. Once entered, click Add. The list of properties available for the WMI Class are then listed.

After validating your configuration, you must update the list by pressing the F5 key or by clicking on the icon for it to be taken into account .

Some examples of Custom WMI Classes:

-1- WMI Class: Win32_TimeZone

Caption property: Allows you to find out the time zone of the computer.

-2- WMI Class: Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption\Win32_EncryptableVolume

ProtectionStatus property: Used to find out the protection status on the different drives (Presence of Bitlocker).

También afecta al software siguiente: IDEAL Administration
Última modificación: 10/03/2022


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