FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Administración simplificada de dominios de Windows Active Directory y grupos de trabajo desde una única consola

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How to manage database inventories of Windows Active Directory Domain?

How to make an inventory of the computer serial numbers?

I would like to get all the serial numbers of my machines in a single file with IDEAL Administration.

Is it possible and how may I proceed ?

Yes, it is effectively possible to realize such an inventory.

You have two possibilities in order to do this :

  • 1) Export to Database (Access or MS SQL Server):

"Inventory" menu, "DataBase Exporter", check "WMI_Win32_Bios". Select computer(s), then "Execute" this inventory. Click "Viewer MDB" and consult the result in the "WMI_Win32_Bios" table (in the SerialNumber column).

Also read: How to extract information from database inventories?

  • 2) Export to a .csv file:

"Tools" menu, "Options", "Displayed Properties" tab. Enable displaying the "Serial number" property in the right view. Validate then refresh the list (F5).

Then proceed to the export: "Computers" menu, "Edit", "By selection". Check (for example) Computer and Serial number.

Última modificación: 06/04/2023


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IDEAL Administration 25.0.4
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