FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Administración simplificada de dominios de Windows Active Directory y grupos de trabajo desde una única consola

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 Título y contenido
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General information

Why the software does not list all computers?

  1. The software does not display all active workstations and servers on the domain.
  2. How to fix it?

  3. How to display computers that are turned off with a red cross?

  1. Our range of software "IDEAL" is based on the network neighborhood of your administrator computer to display the computers on your network. NetBIOS name resolution must be perfect on your network.

    The first thing to check is to ensure that all the computers in your domain are visible from your Windows Network Neighborhood. You can also check the result with the execution of the "net view" command from your computer. If this is not the case, our software will also not be able to list these computers and you will need to fix first this point.

    • Can you ping in command line, the computers that are not visible by their NetBIOS name, IP and FQDN (e.g. "computer.mydomain.com")?
    • Can you access their administrative shares from your computer?
    • Check also NetBIOS layer or Master Browser issues.

    Finally, please also read the following FAQs:

  2. If the problem has not been fixed, you can choose to no longer use the NetBIOS layer to query the list of computers on your domain but to use the Active Directory. In the main view of the software ("Microsoft Windows Network" tab), click the "Filter" button (funnel-shaped button) near the domains list and choose to filter on an organizational unit or a container, eg "Computers", then confirm.

  3. This setting can be configured from the "Tools" menu, "Options", "General" tab. Check "Display all domain computers." Apply then refresh the view.

También afecta al software siguiente: IDEAL Remote
Última modificación: 12/09/2019


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IDEAL Administration 25.0.4
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