FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Administración simplificada de dominios de Windows Active Directory y grupos de trabajo desde una única consola

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 Título y contenido
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How to configure the TightVNC remote control tool (screen sharing)?

How do I install VNC server on Linux client computers?

I want to install the VNC server module across the whole of my Linux client machines. How do I go about it?

All this steps must be done in root.

You must have samba and x11vnc installed with your package manager.

Example with Ubuntu: apt-get install samba x11vnc

1. Connection configuration

If you use your domain controller as a DNS server, add your server in main DNS and in search domains.

Example with Ubuntu and Network-manager:

Change “DNS Servers” with the IP address of your server and “Search domains” with the associated domain (mydomain.com) in the IPv4 parameters of your default connection.

2. Samba configuration

Samba allows your computer to be visible on your domain and create a shared directory for synchronize the VNC configuration files with our software.

Open the file /etc/samba/smb.conf and configure it like that:

#==================== Global Settings ====================
### Browsing/Identification ###
netbios name = PC-NAME
workgroup = DOMAIN
server string = %h Server
dns proxy = no
preferred master = no
### Debugging/Accounting ###
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
syslog = 0
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
### Authentication ###
security = user
encrypt passwords = true
passdb backend = tdbsam
obey pam restrictions = yes
unix password sync = no
map to guest = bad user
### Misc ###
usershare allow guests = no
#==================== Share Definitions ====================
comment = Admin Share
path = /etc/pointdev
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
create mask = 0700
directory mask = 0755
force user = root
force group = root
valid users = @sambaadmins
admin users = @sambaadmins

Change the field PC-NAME with the netbios name of this computer. And the field DOMAIN with the associated domain name.

With this configuration of samba, you must create a group sambaadmins.

To add the group: groupadd sambaadmins

All the group members can change the VNC configuration with our software.

To add a member:

Useradd –s /bin/false –d /dev/null –g sambaadmins member_name
smbpasswnd –a member_name

After the last command you must enter a password for the new member. If you want to have no required authentication, the member name and password must be the same as those of your administration computer.

If your administration account contains spaces or uppercases, you must create on your linux computer an account, as explained above, by replacing for example spaces with hyphens and uppercases with lowercases (because these characters are not accepted under linux). Once the account is created, add in the [global] section of your file /etc/samba/smb.conf, the following line:
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
Now create a file smbusers in /etc/samba/. This file will allow you to connect your linux account with your windows account.
Every line must be formatted like this: linux_name = "Windows Name"
Example: john_doe = "John DOE"

Create a directory pointdev in /etc/ and enter in: mkdir /etc/pointdev && cd /etc/pointdev

Download the script and the base configuration:
wget https://download.pointdev.com/Zip/Linux/pointdev.tar.gz

Uncompress the tar gz archive: tar zxvf pointdev.tar.gz –C /etc/pointdev

Delete the tar gz archive: rm pointdev.tar.gz

Give the execution right to the script: chmod +x x11vnc.sh

Start the script with this command:
/etc/pointdev/x11vnc.sh start 1> /var/log/x11vnc_script.log 2>&1 &

The VNC server is now listening on the port 5900 and the default password is admin.

After that, you can directly change the port and the password with our software on your administration computer.

Add to the start script (/etc/rc.local) the execution of the x11vnc script:
/etc/pointdev/x11vnc.sh start 1> /var/log/x11vnc_script.log 2>&1

También afecta al software siguiente: IDEAL Remote
Última modificación: 30/03/2017


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