FAQ : IDEAL Dispatch

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    Um das 24-jährige Jubiläum von IDEAL Administration zu feiern, bieten wir bis zum 31. August 2024 einen Rabatt von 30 % auf alle neuen Lizenzen, die per Kreditkarte auf unserer Website erworben werden.

    Eine (1) IDEAL Administration-Lizenz zum Preis von 230,30 Euro statt 329,00 Euro.

    Dieser Rabatt von 30 % gilt für alle unsere Software ohne Begrenzung der Anzahl der gekauften Lizenzen.

    Um mit 30 % Rabatt zu bestellen, geben Sie bei der Online-Bestellung den Aktionscode PROMO30 ein.

What are the different possible actions during deployments?

How to deploy writing a message in the event log on all target computers?

How to deploy writing a message in the event log on all target computers?

This action allows to write a custom message in the event log of the target computer.

You can set the following options:

  • The name of the event log (by default "Application"). Or a specific event log for easier access to records from Event Viewer.
  • The name of the source to the origin of the writting in the event viewer.
  • The type of event: Information, Warning, Error, Success audit, Failure audit.
  • Writing a custom message to the specified log event

For a successful writing int eh Event Viewer logs, the specified source (IDEAL Dispatch here), must not be redondant, ie that source should not already be defined for another event log ("Application", or another another...)
A source can easily be located and removed if necessary, from the Registry under the key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\xxx
After removing a possible source, relative writings will still be available from Event logs, but will be "overloaded" by garbage.


Letzte Änderung: 21/05/2013


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IDEAL Dispatch 9.9
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