FAQ : IDEAL Administration

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 Название и содержание

How to configure the TightVNC remote control tool (screen sharing)?

How to troubleshoot "ReadExact : Socket error while reading" or "WriteExact : Socket error while writing" message?

When i try to launch the remote control with TightVNC, I get the "ReadExact : Socket error while reading" or "WriteExact : Socket error while writing" message, and I can't take the control of the remote host.

What can i do ?

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Simplify your VNC Installation and Remote Control with IDEAL Administration

- Please verify that the version’s number of “WinVnc.exe”, located in the IDEAL Administration installation directory then in ...\Program files (x86)\Pointdev\IDEAL Administration\VNC\VNC_Server (by default) on the local administration computer executing IDEAL Administration is the same as the version’s number of “WinVnc.exe” located on the remote host in the C:\Windows\Pointdev\VNC directory.

- If these numbers differ, then the problem is clearly identified. You probably have another instance of an vnc server executable (TightVnc, RealVnc...) that is running on the remote host (in service or user mode) and which is disturbing the communication between the two computers. Please try to stop this service or process on the remote host and relaunch the remote control. The software should then copy on the remote host the right WinVnc server.

- If these numbers are the same, please also verify that another instance of WinVNC is not running on the remote host (process or service). In that event, try to kill this task and relaunch the remote control. Check also in ‘the management services’ (start menu, execute, ‘services.msc’) that the ‘VNC Server’ service (right click, properties) indicates "C:\WINDOWS\Pointdev\VNC\WinVNC.exe" –service” in the “access path of executable file” field.

- This message could also appears when a  firewall (the native Windows firewall or another one) blocks the VNC software or the port used by this sofware (default : 5900 ). Please create an exception in the firewall of the administration computer in order to accept "vncviewer.exe" and also an exception in the firewall of the remote host in order to accept "winvnc.exe". On these both computers, please also accept the TCP port used by VNC.

Read more : Windows XP firewall - Windows Vista firewall - Windows 7 / 8 / 10 firewall

- This message could also appears if a software is running at the same moment (on the remote host or on the administration computer) and uses the same port than the one used by VNC (default : 5900). Please try to enter another port number (right click on the remote host , Remote control, Configurer, Connection tab). For example enter the port 5901, then try again by lauching the remote control.

Также касается следующего программного обеспечения: IDEAL Remote
Последняя модификация: 20/09/2019


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