FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Gestione semplificata per domini di Windows Active Directory e gruppi di lavoro da un'unica console

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 Titolo e contenuto
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General information

Why your tool is one of the best Windows Remote Administration Tool on the market?

What are the strengths of your IDEAL Administration software compared to the competition?

The strengths of our software are numerous:

  • You have a global view of your Active Directory domain without the need to install agents on your client workstations.
  • You simplify administration and support tasks across your Active Direcrtory domain from your workstation.
  • You can authorize some features of the software to the users by using Role Delagation.
  • You can take remote control of your client workstations with or without a connection authorization request, and without having an agent installed on them beforehand. Everything is done automatically.
  • You can carry out inventories of your client workstations in a database in order to retrieve installed software, network configurations, etc.
  • You can create Active Directory reports in CSV or HTML formats from over 40 predefined templates. You can thus know the different operating systems that make up your environment, deactivated users, users who no longer connect to the domain, etc.
  • Our licensing mode is per administrator using our software. The servers and client workstations managed by our software are not limited. If you are 2 administrators managing an information park of 600 workstations, you only need 2 licenses.
  • Finally, you can test our software for free in your environment for 30 days.

Ultima modifica: 20/03/2023


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IDEAL Administration 25.0.4
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