FAQ : IDEAL Dispatch

Distribuzione e disinstallazione da remoto di software per Windows

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What are the different possible actions during deployments?

How to deploy the copy, delete, or edit of a file or folder on a network?

How to deploy the copy, delete, or edit of a file or folder on a network?

From this action, you can  copy (), move () or delete () a file or a folder on all selected computers.

It is also possible to edit /read () any kind of file (.txt, .doc,.wav, .avi, .ppt, .html, .xsl …).

  • Local copy :

The local copy means that the file or folder is copied in a transition folder during the installation phase, and then moved to its destination directory during the execution phase.

  • Remote copy :

The remote copy means that the file or folder is copied in its destination folder during the execution phase.
Each computer performs a copy command..

You can also set your XCOPY command:

Environment variables used for the assigning a destination path:

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%: Path of the common user profile path.
%APPDATA%: Path of application data for the current user.
%CommonProgramFiles%:  Common files directory for the Program Files directory.
%HomeDrive%: Primary local drive.
%HomePath%: User default folder.
%ProgramFiles%: Program Files folder.
%SystemDrive%: Local system drive.
%SystemRoot% and %windir%: Folders containing Windows system files.
%TEMP% and %TMP%: Folders containing temporary files of active session.
%UserProfile%: User profile path.


Examples :
Copy of a folder in a common directory on all computers
Copy of a file in the same directory on all computers


Ultima modifica: 27/05/2013


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IDEAL Dispatch 9.9
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