FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Schnelle und sichere Fernsteuerung für Windows, Mac OS X und Linux

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What are the errors generally encountered by our software?

How to troubleshoot the "[1208] An extended error has occured" message ?

When i try to access a physical resource on my network (server or computer) with your software, I get sometimes the "[1208] An extended error has occured" message.

What can I do ?

The message "[1208] An extended error has occured" is a common native message of Microsoft Windows Operating System and is not directly related to Pointdev software

To resolve this error, please verify the following points :

  • Check that you can ping with the CMD prompt the remote host (by its IP address or by its physical NetBIOS name), and that the host answers without significant packet loss. If the remote host does not answer when it is pingued by its hostname but answer when pingued with its IP address, please check on the remote host the DNS properties. This point should be considered because a good many functionalities of our products use the name resolution when trying to to access remot hosts.
  • This issue may be also due to a synchronization problem between the time of the remote computer and the time of your administration computer, or the time between the PC and the DC (Domain Controller). After verifying that basic network connectivity exists, you can force time synchronization on a computer by running this command: net time /domain /set.

Betrifft auch folgende Software: IDEAL Administration | IDEAL Migration | IDEAL Dispatch
Letzte Änderung: 12/09/2019


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FAQ : IDEAL Administration | IDEAL Dispatch | IDEAL Remote | IDEAL Migration

IDEAL Remote 23.5
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